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发布日期:2018-10-31 作者: 来源: 点击:









一、 个人简介


2)2013.9-2018.3,Research Scientist,兽医整合生物学系,兽医科学学院,美国德克萨斯州A&M大学,星空体育研究方向:基因组学、进化遗传学、动物遗传学












1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,杂交和基因渐渗在猫属物种起源、演化和家猫驯化中的作用星空体育研究,2020-2023 主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,从全基因组层面解析猫科动物早期演化中的遗传改变,2025-2028 主持

3. 2010优秀博士后星空体育研究经费 主持(Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine). US$ 10,000.00

4. 2014优秀博士后星空体育研究经费主持(Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine). US$ 10,000.00

5. 2015 The Winn Feline Foundation (“Improving the Feline Reference Genome with PacBio Sequencing”, Co-PI, W15-008) US$ 24,910.00

6. 2015 Morris Animal Foundation (“Finishing the Feline Genome with Long-Read Sequencing Technologies”, Co-PI, D16FE-011) US$ 213,305.00

7. 2018 NSF (‘Felid phylogenomics to study the roles of chromosome evolution, recombination and hybridization on phylogenetic accuracy’ Co-PI) US$1,000,000.00


1. Le Zhao, Jiaqing Yuan, Guiqiang Wang , Haohao Jing, Chen Huang, Lulu Xu, Xiao Xu, Ting Sun, Wu Chen, Xiuguang Mao,Gang Li*, 2024. Chromosome-level genome and population genomics of the intermediate horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus affinis) reveal the molecular basis of virus tolerance in Rhinolophus and echolocation call frequency variation. Zoological Research.

2. TianMin Zhang, HaoHao Jing, JinHong Wang, Le Zhao, Yang Liu, S.J. Rossiter*, HuiMeng Lu*,Gang Li*, 2024. Evolution of olfactory receptor superfamily in bats based on high throughput molecular modelling,Molecular Ecology Resources,24(5), e13958.

3. Lulu Xu, Yandong Ren, Jiahong Wu, Tingting Cui, Rong Dong, Chen Huang, Zhe Feng, Tianmin Zhang, Peng Yang, Jiaqing Yuan, Xiao Xu, Jiao Liu, Jinhong Wang, Wu Chen, Da Mi, David M. Irwin, Yaping Yan, Luohao Xu*, Xiaoping Yu*,Gang Li*.2024. Evolution and expression patterns of the neo-sex chromosomes of the crested ibis.Nature Communications, 15(1):1670.

4. Jiaqing Yuan, Andrew Kitchener, Laurie Bingaman Lackey, Ting Sun, Qigao Jiangzuo, Yilamujiang Tuohetahong, Le Zhao, Peng Yang, Guiqiang Wang, Chen Huang, Jinhong Wang, Wenhui Hou, Yang Liu, Wu Chen, Da Mi, William J Murphy,Gang Li*. 2024. The genome of the black-footed cat: Revealing a rich natural history and urgent conservation priorities for small felids.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,121, e2310763120.(独立通讯作者封面文章

5. Xiao Xu, Chen Wang, Chunzhong Xu, Jiaqing Yuan, Guiqiang Wang, Yajiang Wu, Chen Huang, Haohao Jing, Peng Yang, Lulu Xu, Shiming Peng, Fen Shan, Xiaochao Xia, Fuyuan Jin, Fanghui Hou, Jinhong Wang, Da Mi, Yandong Ren, Yang Liu, David M Irwin, Xuejuan Li, Wu Chen*,Gang Li*. 2023. Genomic evolution of island birds from the view of the Swinhoe's pheasant (Lophura swinhoii).Molecular Ecology Resources.

6. Jiaqing Yuan, Guiqiang Wang, Le Zhao, Andrew C Kitchener, Ting Sun, Wu Chen, Chen Huang, Chen Wang, Xiao Xu, Jinhong Wang, Huimeng Lu, Lulu Xu, Qigao Jiangzuo, William J Murphy, Dongdong Wu*,Gang Li*. 2023. How genomic insights into the evolutionary history of clouded leopards inform their conservation.Science Advances, 9(40): eadh9143.

7. Beichman AC, Koepfli KP,Li Gang, Murphy W, Dobrynin P, Kilver S, Tinker MT, Murray MJ, Johnson J, Lindblad-Toh K, et al. 2019. Aquatic adaptation and depleted diversity: a deep dive into the genomes of the sea otter and giant otter.Molecular Biology and Evolution.

8. Li Gang, Figueiro HV, Eizirik E, Murphy WJ. 2019. Recombination-aware phylogenomics reveals the structured genomic landscape of hybridizing cat species.Molecular Biology and Evolution

9. Jan E. Janečka, Brian W. Davis, Sharmila Ghosh, Nandina Paria, Pranab J. Das, Ludovic Orlando, Mikkel Schubert, Martin K. Nielsen, Tom A. E. Stout, Wesley Brashear,Li Gang, Charles D. Johnson, Richard P. Metz, Al Muatasim Al Zadjali, Charles C. Love, Dickson D. Varner, Daniel W. Bellott, William J. Murphy, Bhanu P. Chowdhary, and Terje Raudsepp.2018. Horse Y Chromosome Assembly Displays Unique Evolutionary Features and Putative Stallion Fertility Genes.Nature Communications.

10. Figueiró VH#,Li Gang#, Trindade JF, Assis J, Pais F, Fernandes G, Santos HS, Hughes MG, Komissarov A, Antunes A et al. 2017. Genome-wide signatures of complex introgression and adaptive evolution in the big cats.Science advances. Vol. 3, e170星空体育9

11. Abascal, F., Corvelo, A., Cruz, F., Villanueva-Canas, J. L., Vlasova, A., Marcet-Houben, M., Martinez-Cruz, B., Cheng, J. Y., Prieto, P., Quesada, V., Quilez, J.,Li Gang, Garcia, F., Rubio-Camarillo, M., Frias, L., Ribeca, P., Capella-Gutierrez, S., Rodriguez, J. M., Camara, F., Lowy, E., Cozzuto, L., Erb, I., Tress, M. L., Rodriguez-Ales, J. L., Ruiz-Orera, J., Reverter, F., Casas-Marce, M., Soriano, L., Arango, J. R., Derdak, S., Galan, B., Blanc, J., Gut, M., Lorente-Galdos, B., Andres-Nieto, M., Lopez-Otin, C., Valencia, A., Gut, I., Garcia, J. L., Guigo, R., Murphy, W. J., Ruiz-Herrera, A., Marques-Bonet, T., Roma, G., Notredame, C., Mailund, T., Alba, M. M., Gabaldon, T., Alioto, T. and Godoy, J. A 2016. Extreme genomic erosion after recurrent demographic bottlenecks in the highly endangered Iberian lynx.Genome Biology17: 251.

12. Li Gang, Davis BW, Eizirik E, Murphy WJ. 2016. Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae).Genome Research26(1): 1-11. (杂志封面文章)

13. Li Gang, Hillier LW, Grahn RA, Zimin AV, David VA, Menotti-Raymond M, Middleton R, Hannah S, Hendrickson S, Makunin A et al. 2016b. A High-Resolution SNP Array-Based Linkage Map Anchors a New Domestic Cat Draft Genome Assembly and Provides Detailed Patterns of Recombination.G3(Bethesda)6(6): 1607-1616.

14. Mason VC,Li Gang, Minx P, Schmitz J, Churakov G, Doronina L, Melin AD, Dominy NJ, Lim NT, Springer MS et al. 2016. Genomic analysis reveals hidden biodiversity within colugos, the sister group to primates.Science advances2(8): e1600633.

15. Davis BW, Seabury CM, Brashear WA,Li Gang, Roelke-Parker M, Murphy WJ. 2015. Mechanisms Underlying Mammalian Hybrid Sterility in Two Feline Interspecies Models.Molecular biology and evolutiondoi: 10.1093/molbev/msv124.

16. Montague MJ#,Li Gang#, Gandolfi B, Khan R, Aken BL, Searle SM, Minx P, Hillier LW, Koboldt DC, Davis BW, Driscoll CA, Barr CS, Blackistone K, Quilez J, Lorente-Galdos B, Marques-Bonet T, Alkan C, Thomas GW, Hahn MW, Menotti-Raymond M, O'Brien SJ, Wilson RK, Lyons LA, Murphy WJ, Warren, WC. 2014. Comparative analysis of the domestic cat genome reveals genetic signatures underlying feline biology and domestication.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA111, 17230-17235.

17. Xu H, Liu Y, Meng F, He B, Han N,Li Gang, Rossiter SJ, Zhang S. 2013. Multiple bursts of pancreatic ribonuclease gene duplication in insect-eating bats.Gene.526(2):112-117.

18. Li, Gang, Davis BW, Raudsepp T, Pearks Wilkerson AJ, Mason VC, Ferguson-Smith M, O’Brien PC, Waters P, Murphy WJ, 2013. Comparative analysis of Carnivore Y chromosomes illuminates ancestral structure and lineage-specific evolution.Genome Research. 2013 23(9):1486-1495

19. Das PJ, McCarthy F, Vishnoi M, Paria N, Gresham C,Li Gang,Kachroo P, Sudderth AK, Teague S, Love CC et al. 2013. Stallion Sperm Transcriptome Comprises Functionally Coherent Coding and Regulatory RNAs as Revealed by Microarray Analysis and RNA-seq.PLoS One8(2).

20. Mason VC,Li Gang, Helgen KM, Murphy WJ. 2011. Efficient cross-species capture hybridization and next-generation sequencing of mitochondrial genomes from noninvasively sampled museum specimens.Genome Research21(10): 1695-1704.

21. Li Gang, Janecka JE, Murphy WJ. 2011. Accelerated Evolution of CES7, a Gene Encoding a Novel Major Urinary Protein in the Cat Family.Molecular biology and evolution28(2): 911-920.(猫科动物CES7基因星空体育研究)

22. Davis BW,Li Gang, Murphy WJ. 2010. Supermatrix and species tree methods resolve phylogenetic relationships within the big cats, Panthera (Carnivora: Felidae).Molecular Phylogenetics Evolution56(1): 64-76.(BBCNews评述文章)

23. Wang L,Li Gang*, Wang JH, Ye SH, Jones G, Zhang SY. 2009. Molecular cloning and evolutionary analysis of the GJA1 (connexin43) gene from bats (Chiroptera).Genetics Research91(2): 101-109.

24. Tang XC,Li Gang, Vasilakis N, Zhang Y, Shi ZL, Zhong Y, Wang LF, Zhang SY. 2009. Differential stepwise evolution of SARS coronavirus functional proteins in different host species.Bmc Evolutionary Biology9.

25. Liu Y, Dong D, Han NJ, Zhao HB, Zhang JS,Li Gang, Racey PA, Zhang SY. 2009. Molecular Cloning and Evolutionary Analysis of Hemoglobin alpha-Chain Genes in Bats.BiochemGenet47(3-4): 257-265.

26. He BB, Wang L, Wang JH,Li Gang*, Zhang SY. 2009. Positive selection of three chitinase genes of the family 18 of glycoside hydrolases in mammals.Biologia64(4): 819-825.

27. Flanders J, Jones G, Benda P, Dietz C, Zhang SY,Li Gang, Sharifi M, Rossiter SJ. 2009. Phylogeography of the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum: contrasting results from mitochondrial and microsatellite data.Molecular Ecology18(2): 306-318.

28. Li Gang, Wang JH, Rossiter SJ, Jones G, Cottont JA, Zhang SY. 2008. The hearing gene Prestin reunites echolocating bats.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA105(37): 13959-13964.(蝙蝠回声定位基因Prestin星空体育研究)(ScienceDaily评述文章)

29. Thabah A,Li Gang, Wang YN, Liang B, Hu KL, Zhang SY, Jones G. 2007. Diet, echolocation calls, and phylogenetic affinities of the great evening bat (Ia IO; Vespertilionidae): Another carnivorous bat.Journal of Mammalogy88(3): 728-735.

30. Li Gang, Wang J, Rossiter SJ, Jones G, Zhang S. 2007. Accelerated FoxP2 evolution in echolocating bats.PLoS One2(9): e900.

31. Li Gang, Liang B, Wang YN, Zhao HB, Helgen KM, Lin LK, Jones G, Zhang SY. 2007a. Echolocation calls, diet, and phylogenetic relationships of stoliczka's trident bat, Aselliscus stoliczkanus (Hipposideridae).Journal of Mammalogy88(3): 736-744.

32. Cui J, Han NIJ, Streicker D,Li Gang, Tang XC, Shi ZL, Hu ZH, Zhao GP, Fontanet A, Guan Yet al. 2007. Evolutionary relationships between bat coronaviruses and their hosts.Emerging Infectious Diseases13(10): 1526-1532.

33. Li Gang, Jones G, Rossiter SJ, Chen SF, Parsons S, Zhang SY. 2006. Phylogenetics of small horseshoe bats from east Asia based on mitochondrial DNA sequence variation.Journal of Mammalogy87(6): 1234-1240.

34. Tang XC, Zhang JX, Zhang SY, Wang P, Fan XH, Li LF,Li Gang, Dong BQ, Liu W, Cheung CL et al. 2006. Prevalence and genetic diversity of coronaviruses in bats from China.Journal of Virology80(15): 7481-7490.