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发布日期:2018-11-15 作者: 来源: 点击:









高平,博士,教授,博士生导师。2012年7月毕业于西北农林科技大学,获得硕士学位。2016年12月毕业于芬兰奥卢大学生物化学与分子医学学院,获得博士学位。2017年1月至2018年8月在芬兰奥卢大学从事博士后星空体育研究。2018年10月-至今入职星空体育星空体育官方网站星空体育。星空体育研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Oncogene,Cell,Nature Genetics,Clinical Cancer Research和Int J Mol Sci等杂志上,此外,申请人还在Nature Genetics, Nature Communication, Cancer Research等杂志上以共同作者发表星空体育研究性论文九篇。








、代表性论文 (#co-first author; *corresponding author)

1.Gao P#*, Hao JL, Xie QW, Han GQ, Xu BB, Hu H, Sa N, Du XW, Tang HL, Yan J, Dong XM*. PELO facilitates PLK1-induced the ubiquitination and degradation of Smad4 and promotes the progression of prostate cancer.Oncogene, 2022 May; 41(21):2945-2957.

2. Dong XM#, Zhang Q#, Hao JL#, Xie QW, Xu BB, Zhang P, Qilai Huang, Yang TL, Wei GH#, Na R# andGao P*. Large multicohort study reveals a prostate cancer susceptibility allele at 5p15 regulating TERT via androgen signaling-orchestrated chromatin binding of E2F1 and MYC.Frontiers in Oncology, 2021 Nov 10; 11:754206.

3.Gao P#*, Dong XM#, Wang Y#, Wei GH*. Optimized CRISPR/Cas9- mediated single nucleotide mutation in adherent cancer cell lines,Star Protocols, 2021 Mar 31; 2(2):100419.

4.Gao P#, Xia JH#, Sipeky C, Dong XM, Zhang Q, Yang Y, Zhang P, Cruz SP,Zhang K, Zhu J, Lee HM, Suleman S, Giannareas N, Liu S, The PRACTICAL consortium, Tammela T,Auvinen A,Wang XY, Huang QL, Wang L, Manninen A, Vaarala MH, Wang L, Schleutker J, Wei GH*. Biology and clinical implications of the 19q13 aggressive prostate cancer susceptibility locus.Cell, 2018 Jul; 174(3):576-589.

5. Sipekya C#,Gao P#, Zhang Q, Wang L, Ettala O, Talala MK, Tammela LJT, Auvinen A, the PRACTICAL consortium, Wiklund F, Wei GH*, Schleutker J#.Synergistic interaction of HOXB13 and CIP2A predispose to aggressive prostate cancer.Clinical Cancer Research, Dec 15; 24(24):6265-6276.

6. Whitington T#*,Gao P#, Song W, Ross-Adams H, Lamb AD, Yang Y, Svezia I, Klevebring D, Mills IG, Karlsson R, Halim S, Dunning MJ, Egevad L, Warren AY, Neal DE, Grönberg H, Lindberg J, Wei GH, Wiklund F*. Gene regulatory mechanisms underpinning prostate cancer susceptibility.Nature Genetics, 2016 Apr; 48(4): 387-397.

7.Gao P & Wei GH. Genomic Insight into the Role of lncRNA in Cancer Susceptibility.Int J Mol Sci, 2017 Jun 9; 18(6) :1239.

8. Huang Q#, Whitington T#,Gao P, Lindberg JF, Yang Y, Sun J, Väisänen MR, Szulkin R, Annala M, Yan J, Egevad LA, Zhang K, Lin R, Jolma A, Nykter M, Manninen A, Wiklund F, Vaarala MH, Visakorpi T, Xu J, Taipale J*, Wei GH*. A prostate cancer susceptibility allele at 6q22 increases RFX6 expression by modulating HOXB13 chromatin binding.Nat Genetics, 2014 Feb; 46(2):126-135.

9. Zhang P#, Xia JH#, Zhu J,Gao P, Tian YJ, Du M, Guo Y, Suleman S, Zhang Q, Kohli M, Tillmans L, Thibodeau S, French A, Cerhan J, Wang LD, Wei GH,Wang L*. High-throughput screening of prostate cancer risk loci by single nucleotide polymorphisms sequencing.Nature Communication, 2018 May 22; 9(1):2022.

10. Zhang B , Chen MY, Sheng YJ, Zhuo XB,Gao P, Zhou FS, Liang B, Zu J, Zhang Q, Suleman S, Xu YH, Xu MG, Xu JK, Liu CC, Giannareas N, Xia JH, Zhao Y, Huang ZL, Yang Z, Cheng H, Li N, Hong YY, Li W, Zhang MJ, Yu KD, Li G, Sun MH, Chen ZD, Wei GH, Shao ZM. A large-scale, exome-wide association study of Han Chinese women identifies three novel loci predisposing to breast cancer.Cancer Res, 2018 Jun 1; 78(11):3087-3097.

11. Chen Y, Zhang Q, Wang Q, Li J, Sipeky C, Xia J,Gao P, Hu Y, Zhang H, Yang X, Chen H, Jiang Y, Yang Y, Yao Z, Chen Y, Gao Y, Tan A, Liao M, Schleutker J, Xu J, Sun Y, Wei GH & Mo Z. Genetic association analysis of the RTK/ERK pathway with aggressive prostate cancer highlights the potential role of CCND2 in disease progression.Sci Rep, 2017 Jul 3;7(1):4538.

12. Zhang K, Myllym ki SM,Gao P, Devarajan R, Kyt?l? V, Nykter M, Wei GH, Manninen A. Oncogenic K-Ras upregulates ITGA6-expression via FOSL1 to induce anoikis resistance and synergizes with αV-class integrins to promote EMT.Oncogene, 2017 Oct 12; 36(41):5681-5694.

13. Taipale M, Jakkula E, K?m?r?inen OP,Gao P, Skarp S, Barral S, Kiviranta I, Kr?ger H, Ott J, Wei GH, Ala-Kokko L, M?nnikk? M. Targeted re-sequencing of linkage region on 2q21 identifies a novel functional variant for hip and knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 24 (2016) 655-663. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.

14. Du M, Tillmans L, Gao J,Gao P, Yuan T, Dittmar RL, Song W, Yang Y, Sahr N, Wang T, Wei GH, Thibodeau SN, Wang L. Chromatin interactions and candidate genes at ten prostate cancer risk loci.Sci Rep, 2016 Mar 16; 6:23202.

15. Heinonen H, Lepikhova T, Sahu B, Pehkonen H, Pihlajamaa P, Louhimo R,Gao P, Wei GH, Hautaniemi S, J?nne OA, Monni O. Identification of several potential chromatin binding sites of HOXB7 and its downstream target genes in breast cancer.Int J Cancer, 2015 Nov 15; 137(10):2374-83.

16. Munne PM, Gu Y, Tumiati M,Gao P, Koopal S, Uusivirta S, Sawicki J, Wei GH, Kuznetsov SG. TP53 supports basal-like differentiation of mammary epithelial cells by preventing translocation of deltaNp63 into nucleoli.Sci Rep, 2014 Apr 11; 4:4663.



